Selected Scrapbook Images - 2010
People, places, and events significant to my artistic process.
Art Basel - Miami
Miami collector Steve Lanster, Deborah Lovely, David Lanster, and Andrew Young.
Steve Lanster with a Sterling Ruby painting at the de la Cruz Collection.
Steve Lanster and artist John Baldessari after an Art Basel Conversations program.
David Lanster and friends.
With my mother and stepfather, Joyce and Dutton Morehouse, at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Chicago Academy of Sciences - Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
Volunteer Recognition Night
With Museum Collections Manager, Dawn Roberts, and fellow paleontology volunteer, Joan Bledig.
Museum Collections staff and volunteers.
Art Expo Chicago
California art advisor/curator Gwenda Joyce (center) and visiting artists.
School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) classmate and fellow painter, Elizabeth Condon.
Tucson Museum of Art chief curator and curator of contemporary art, Julie Sasse.
Miami art collector Steve Lanster visits Chicago's west loop galleries.
Lake Forest College, Illinois
Karen Lebergott Ten-year survey exhibition
Artist and professor, Karen Lebergott, at her solo LFC exhibition ----
Karen Lebergott's painting studio with work in progress.