Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna
Higher Crustaceans - Class Malacostraca
Acanthotelson stimpsoni - Meek and Worthen, 1865
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Milwaukee Public Museum collection P360793.1
Above and below left: Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection (positive and negative halves)
Field Museum collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Mazon River, Morris, IL - M.Angkuw collection (positive and negative halves)
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection (positive and negative halves)
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Milwaukee Public Museum collection P359247.1 and P359247.2 (positive and negative halves)
Above and below: Acanthotelson stimpsoni - R.Rock collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection (positive and negative halves)
Two specimens of Acanthotelson stimpsoni, 1.5 cm juvenile on left, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection
Chicago Academy of Sciences collection (positive and negative halves)
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, tumbled and smoothed by the Mazon River, Morris, IL - P. Anderson collection
Two specimens of Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Chicago Academy of Sciences collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni - R.Rock collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Jansen collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Pit 2, Wilmington, IL - M.Angkuw collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni, Chicago Academy of Sciences collection
R,Rock collection
Acanthotelson stimpsoni - R.Rock collection
R.Rock collection
Palaeocaris typus - Meek and Worthen, 1865
Palaeocaris typus, Milwaukee Public Museum collection P360745.1
Palaeocaris typus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
Palaeocaris typus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
Palaeocaris typus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection (positive and negative halves)
Above and below: Palaeocaris typus, dorsal view, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
Palaeocaris typus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Kodat collection
Palaeocaris typus, dorsal view Pit 2, Wilmington, IL - A.Young collection (positive and negative halves)