Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna
Scales, Teeth, and Bone
Fish Scales
Ctenodus sp.
Ctenodus quincunciatus, opened by natural freezing / thawing and polished by the Mazon River, IL - Gary Riegler collection
Ctenodus occidentalis, The Chicago Academy of Sciences CHAS: Paleo: 4376, Figure 137.2 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
Ctenodus cristatus - J.Wittry collection, Figure 137.3 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
Ctenodus quincunciatus - ESCONI member collection
Above and below: Ctenodus quincunciatus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - V.Anderson collection
Ctenodus quincunciatus, Pit 2, Wilmington, IL - A.Young collection
Ctenodus quincunciatus - J.Wittry collection - Figure 142.1 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
cf. Megalichthys hibberti
cf. Megalichthys hibberti - Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP377846 and VP941
Rhizodopsis mazonius
Rhizodopsis mazonius - Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP377845.2 and VP377845.1 (negative and positive halves)
Indeterminate Fish Scales
Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection (positive and negative halves)
J.Wittry collection
Pit 2, Wilmington, IL - A.Young collection
J.Bledig collection
Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP930.1 and VP930.2 (positive and negative halves)
R.Rock collection
Fish Teeth
Orthacanthus lucasi - Hay, 1900
Above left: Orthacanthus lucasi - J.Wittry collection, Figure 133.4 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012. Right: J.Wittry
Orthocanthus lucasi, showing internal structure - R.Rock collection
Orthacanthus compressus - Newberry, 1856
Above and below: two specimens of Orthacanthus compressus (or another chondrichthyan) - R.Rock collection
Helodus simplex - Agassiz, 1838
Above and below: Helodus simplex, hybodont shark tooth - Milwaukee Public Museum collection P359689.1
Helodus simplex, details of tooth, including its mold in the concretion matrix (bottom left)
Bone, Cartilage, and Skin
Indeterminate Bone, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection
Indeterminate Bone, Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP942
Above, left and right: shark cartilage, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
'Elonichthys' tail fin, J.Wittry collection