Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna
Insects, Nymphs, and Wings
'Dasyleptus' sp.
Above and below: 'Dasyleptus' sp., Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - C.Berg collection (photos by C.Berg)
'Dasyleptus' sp., Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
'Dasyleptus' sp., Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection
'Dasyleptus' sp., Mazon River, Morris, IL - M.Angkuw collection
J.Wittry collection
Ramsdelepidion schusteri - Kukalová-Peck, 1987
Eubleptus danielsi - Handlirsch, 1906
Protodictyon pulchripenne
Protodictyon pulchripenne holotype, Chicago Academy of Sciences CHAS: Paleo: 4749a, Figure 57.2 Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
Eucaenus ovalis - Scudder, 1885
Eucaenus ovalis, Chicago Academy of Sciences collection CHAS: Paleo: 4739, Figure 59.4 The Mazon Creek Fossil
Fauna 2012 (once the holotype for Eucaenus attenuatus Melander, 1903, now a junior synonym of E. ovalis)
Fauna 2012 (once the holotype for Eucaenus attenuatus Melander, 1903, now a junior synonym of E. ovalis)
Above and below: Eucaenus ovalis - R.Rock collection
Herdina mirificus - Carpenter and Richardson, 1971
Herdina mirificus - J.Wittry collection (positive and negative halves)
Hypoperlid - J.Wittry collection
Unnamed Member of Herdina Group
The Herdina group is probably very distantly related to bark lice.
Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection
Undetermined Adult Insects
R.Rock collection
Field Museum collection
Heterologus langfordorum
Above and below: Heterologus langfordorum, Mazon River, Morris, IL - M.Angkuw collection
Gerarus sp., Mazon River, Morris, IL - Dr. C.Comfort collection
Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
D.Damrow collection (fossil preparation by J.Kukalová-Peck)
Miamia bronsoni - Dana, 1864
Notorachis wolfforum - Carpenter and Richardson, 1971
Prochoroptera calopteryx - Handlirsch, 1911
Prochoroptera calopteryx, J.Wittry collection (positive and negative halves)
Srokalarva berthei - Haug et al., 2016
Field Museum collection
Above and below: Pit 2, Wilmington, IL - H.Cwik (now in the collection of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History)
Insect Nymphs
Insect nymph, MPM VP359679.2 and VP359679.1 (positive and negative halves)
Above and below: R.Rock collection, Figure 65.1 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
Field Museum collection (T.Testa - positive and negative halves)
Undetermined insect nymph: R.Rock collection
Above and below: insect nymph, possibly Lithoneura pieko - R.Rock collection
Insect Wings
Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection
Undetermined insect wings, showing preserved color pattern - R.Coleman collection
Pit 1, Wilmington, IL - B.Morton collection
Above and below: Pit 2, Wilmington, IL, showing excellent venation and bi-color preservation - A.Young collection
C.Davis collection
D.Dolak collection
C.Davis collection
Lauer Foundation collection