Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna
Bony Fish
Acanthodes sp.
Spiny Shark
Acanthodes sp., Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - K.Robitschek collection
Acanthodes sp. - R.Rock collection
R.Rock collection
Acanthodes sp. - R.Rock collection
Acanthodes sp. - Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP359250.1 and VP359250.2 (positive and negative halves)
Acanthodes sp. - Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois (ESCONI) member collection
J.Wittry collection
A juvenile Acanthodes sp., detail on left showing otic capsules behind the eyes (for hearing) - R.Rock collection
Acanthodes sp., Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection
Rhabdoderma exiguum - Eastman, 1908
Rhabdoderma exiguum, Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP359242
MPM VP359235
Rhabdoderma exiguum, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection, Figure 135.3 The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
J.Wittry collection
Above and below: Rhabdoderma exiguum, Mazon River, Morris, IL - A.Young collection
Rhabdoderma exiguum, juveniles with yolk sacs still attached - MPM VP359234 and MPM VP359263
Rhabdoderma exiguum, embryonic fish wrapped around its egg sac - Lauer Foundation collection
Above and below: Rhabdoderma exiguum with yolk sac, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - A.Young collection
Rhabdoderma exiguum - R.Rock collection
Conchopoma edesi - Denison, 1969
'Elonichthys' peltigerus - Newberry, 1856
'Elonichthys' peltigeris, Pit 11, Braidwood, IL - C.Davis collection (positive and negative halves)
'Elonichthys' peltigerus, Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP359236
Above and below: 'Elonichthys' peltigerus - D.Dolak collection
'Elonichthys' hypsilepus - Hay, 1900
'Elonichthys' hypsilepus, Milwaukee Public Museum collection VP359233
'Elonichthys' hypsilepus, MPM VP359214.2 and VP359214.1 (negative and positive halves)
'Elonichthys' hypsilepus, Mazon River, Morris, IL - P.Anderson collection
Above and below: 'Elonichthys' hypsilepus - R.Rock collection
R.Rock collection
'Elonichthys' remotus - Schultze and Bardack, 1987
'Elonichthys' wolffi - Schultze and Bardack, 1987
Illiniichthys cozarti - Schultze and Bardack, 1987
Microhaplolepis serrata - Newberry, 1856
Amphicentrum orbiculare - (Newberry and Worthen) Zidek, 1992
Amphicentrum orbiculare - D.Douglass collection, Cover image 1/3, The Mazon Creek Fossil Fauna 2012
Platysomas circularis - Newberry and Worthen, 1870
Miscellaneous Fish
MPM VP359230 (possibly Elonichthys peltigerus)