Herrin Fossil Flora
Filicopsids - Ferns
Fertile Forms
Dipalzites unita fertile form (lower right), - B.Lauer
Valvisisporites megaspore, 1200 µm (1.2mm) in diameter. - D.Carlson (photo by D.Carlson)
Triletes (possibly Banksisporites) megaspore, 1400 µm (1.4mm) in diameter. - D.Carlson (photo by D.Carlson)
Calamospora (?) megaspore, 2000 µm (2mm) in diameter. - D.Carlson (photo by D.Carlson)
Triletes megaspore. - C.Puritz (photo by C.Puritz)
Triletes is a sort of basket genus for anything with an obvious trilete mark.
(trilete; of spores, having a 3-pronged - triradiate - scar on the wall
resulting from the late separation of tetrads.)
Triletes is a sort of basket genus for anything with an obvious trilete mark.
(trilete; of spores, having a 3-pronged - triradiate - scar on the wall
resulting from the late separation of tetrads.)