Herrin Fossil Fauna
Shark Egg Cases and Coprolites
Palaeoxyris prendelli
Palaeoxyris prendelli, containing shark embryo. - A.Young
Palaeoxyris prendelli shark egg case in a concretion. - A.Young
Palaeoxyris prendeli shark egg case. - C.Puritz (photo by C.Puritz)
Horseshoe Crabs
Euproops danae
Euproops danae horseshoe crab in a concretion. - C.Puritz (photos by C.Puritz)
Euproops danae in concretion showing prosoma (head shield). - C.Puritz
Euproops danae in concretion showing opithosoma (abdomen): positive and negative halves. - C.Puritz
Coprolite in a concretion. - K.Mitsui
Coprolite in a concretion. - C.Berg (photo by C.Berg)